RIDA - Dealer

Account management for dealers

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3.40 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for RIDA - Dealer on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.40

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Date Author Rating Comment
Ehitare aluede
I love this app it fast
Anthony Beck
without my dealers app I would have paper work coming out of my ears. this app can help you keep track of your customers and future leads. without Rida I would be lost!
Lisa Cantafio
There seems to be an update 3.22 which for some reason my college's are getting but I am not I'm stuck with 3.15 and it's not working properly I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing changed.
A Google user
Ever since the update, this app wont stay open when signing in.