Oxy® Proxy Manager

Easy proxy management via a single click

Total ratings

3.62 (Rating count: 340)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly setup for HTTP proxies
  • Simple interface that is easy for beginners
  • No intrusive ads
  • Great for setting up paid connections quickly
  • Lack of support for SOCKS5 and HTTPS proxies
  • Connection issues with certain apps (e.g., Messenger) when using a proxy
  • Limited options for server types and configuration
  • App doesn't function properly with non-Oxy proxies
Most mentioned
  • No support for SOCKS5 proxy
  • App is easy to use for beginners but lacks advanced options
  • Connection problems with other apps when using the proxy
  • Limited server types available in options
  • Issues connecting non-Oxy proxy servers
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.62
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mike R
You have to attend a computer degree In College before using this app. I agree with others NOT USER FRIENDLY OR AT ALL "EASY TO USE".........
No support for socks5 proxy while desktop extension support socks. Why?
Jose Gama
No possível to create a socks proxy ONLY http After create the http proxy, it doesn't connect. It realy don't do absolutly...nothing! What Amazing piece of.... Well....you know what!
Calvin Lai
Works for HTTP proxy, but can you add support for HTTPS and SOCKS5 as well?
Izabella Jansson
This app is very straightforward, doesn't have much settings, even noobs should know how to set up their proxies. The problem I have with the app is the lack of options when it comes to the server types one can choose, several options are advertised here on playstore, but the option menu doesn't avail one with selecting more than one server type, please fix it, so we can access socks5 servers. All in all, a great app so far, but it can be better.
Istvan Baan
Best and most user friendly app to set up my own paid connection. No hassle just fill in your details like IP, port, username and password and voila connected. Thank you guys. Keep up the good work
evald ibrahimi
Added my proxy and it does not work. It shows connected even with wrong credentials :). Edit:I don't see a new release so why to try again?
Daniel Salahi
Simple and easy to teach to elder people. Does what it's supposed to. No intrusive ads. Could use more advanced options.
It doesn't have any options like white list for example I want to use termius dynamic port forwarding, and set the local host port on this, ... It will put the whole phone under proxy and there is no way to exclude termius, so the termius server connection hetting closed.
Roman Ahmed
I used this app a few months ago that time it's work perfectly. But tired to connect a proxy except oxyproxy.io provider's proxy, i can't connect the proxy. This app don't work anymore. Please solve the problem.
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