HomeLINK App for Residents

HomeLINK App for Residents for smarter, healthier, safer homes
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Recent rating average: 3.70
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23% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mary Moor
This app is impossible to use, it gives you no instructions, and you can't scroll down to see the graphs. I have no idea when to open my windows, it doesn't explain the humidity, it doesn't explain how to do anything. I hate this app and it's only been installed 8 hours ago.
hazel a'hern
Allows you to check each room, and gives tips for getting them to the right temperature which is really good
Having this app has made me more conscious of how I do things with in my property and more aware of issues thay may arise
Erica Draven
Doesn't log you in
Chelsey Martin
It's a cool little app it allows you to see the temperatures of your house and about your fire alarms even if your not at home
Lyndsey King
A good app
Doesn't offer any useful information, says my house is humid all the time, every room, been here over 10 years never had mould, co2 levels are high, offcourse it's cold and my windows are shut, doesn't matter, only thing that matters is does this system use up more electricity that I need to pay for?
kelly wilson
Since the app updated have to constantly log in again when accessing doesn't stay signed in, Update: the app has now been fixed and stays logged in now, the app gives accurate readings for the conditions of my property
Hi, thank you for your reply. The update has resolved the issue :) Can I suggest that there is historical data for residents to access, please? I think it would be helpful when discussing damp issues with housing associations
susanne newman
Very good
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