InsectID - Identify Insects

Use a picture to identify insects & bugs with this Insect & Bug Species scanner

Total ratings

2.88 (Rating count: 102)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • No account required
  • Inaccurate identification
  • App frequently crashes or stops working
  • Unable to identify bugs correctly
Most mentioned
  • Inaccuracy of insect identification
  • App crashing or not functioning properly
See reviews for InsectID - Identify Insects on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 2.88
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Date Author Rating Comment
Sandeep Oli
Did not get what I needed from this app from Nepal 🇳🇵
Terryll Rex
Extremely inaccurate. Photographed a winged ant of summer sort and it identified it as long-knecked seed bug, western conifer seed bug or twenty-spotted lady beetle. I can do better with my eyes.
David Lor
Tom Turansky
The App. told me a ladybug 🐞 was a dragon fly!?
Peto A
Kept getting a message that said ap has stopped working while trying g to identify insect.
Pheel Yoself
Doesn't work
Julius Julius
Easy to use. No account required. ads full screen pop made somewhat decent guess at my image with probabilites.
Nigel Denning
This might just be the worst identification app in existence!! Took a picture of a tarantula and the app's three top "guesses" were all dragonflies!! Now, I could understand if the picture was in some way ambiguous but it was literally a textbook photo of a spider, perfectly arranged, in plan view. What a joke!
william Albritton
Haven't used but once
Karin H. S.
App keeps stopping and kicking me out. If it just would stay running I could tell you the names of all the cool bugs in my neighborhood.
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