JavaScript Editor - Mobile IDE

Run JavaScript Code from your android phone with features like Code Intellisense

Total ratings

3.26 (Rating count: 222)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great user experience and design
  • Works well for running code and supports ES6
  • Unique features like scanning code from photos
  • Helpful for mobile and web development
  • Overall performance is good when functional
  • Frequent bugs and freezes
  • Issues with updating and installation process
  • Editor not functioning offline
  • Navigation problems, including back button functionality
  • Need for improvement in user interface and usability
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and performance issues
  • User experience and design quality
  • Offline editing problems
  • Request for additional features or improvements
See reviews for JavaScript Editor - Mobile IDE on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.26
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Date Author Rating Comment
Worked well for me, one had a pretty good user experience with the file system. All in all a pretty good app.
David Archibong
A recent file tab should be created for users to access their recently edited files and also when the open editor button is clicked, it should open the editor directly with few recently edited files.
John Onwuka
This is the best mobile IDE I've used. I've been searching and using several over the past couple of months and I came across this just a day ago. It does all it needs to and the look and feel is awesome as well. Great app.
Wangah Richard
You would expect someone making an IDeto know coding . It's a shame it freezes alot Nice design though m.May be you should have been a designer instead . 0 star if possible
Dumebi Egwu
For the first few days it worked perfectly but became faulty afterwards. I don't know why but whenever I open the editor, I can't type or display a file in it. I'm redownloading it now
The app is stuck in updating, it Is not updating, I can't cancel it my playstore hangs and becouse of this app, I can't download or updated any other app. even after i uninstalled it, it's still in my playstore and blocking all other downloads. It's like an infinite loop of update😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
Jonathan Kent
I've purchased this a while back and there are so many bugs and promises that we get new features, nothing has happened! Now I can't even edit on this program. Please fix!
Subham Pathak
Everything is just better So Underrated among other editors Editor is heavy for low end devices, Adding a lite mode to the editor might do the job
Pratap Lodha
This app is under development but still awesome. Please develop it completely. I am just a beginner at Java and this already seems amazing. If there was a similar app for python I wouldn't have needed anything else.
Vibhor Goel
Very well designed app with features like scan code from photo which is very unique as well as important for college and school students and eagerly waiting for collab feature
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