Swiggy Delivery Partner App

Be a full-time or part-time Delivery Partner at Swiggy & earn money every week

Total ratings

4.18 (Rating count: 328,553)

Review summary

    • Frequent app crashes and freezing, especially during selfie uploads
    • Poor customer support with unhelpful responses and lack of timely assistance
    • Lack of clear communication regarding incentives and penalties
    • Issues with account deactivation without proper resolution
    • Inconvenient and inadequate support for profile verification and order allocation
    Most mentioned
    • App freezes or hangs frequently
    • Customer service is unresponsive and unhelpful
    • Incentives and bonuses are not paid as promised
    • Difficulties in contacting fleet manager or customer support
    • Unnecessary penalties and poor order allocation
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for Swiggy Delivery Partner App on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.40
    All time rating average: 4.18
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    im here to say that your swiggy app is now more buggy then before whenever i upload the selfie chk screen goes all white and then restart the app to fix it and after that app becomes freeze so many times app freezes 😞😞😞 i think ur not updating the app actually ur guys are making more buggy then ever before...
    vijay chauhan
    Worst app I've used as a Swiggy delivery partner! The help and support team is absolutely unhelpful. They keep disconnecting calls during conversations, making it extremely frustrating to get assistance. On top of that, they don't pay any incentives despite meeting all the requirements. It's disappointing to work for an app that doesn't value its delivery partners and offers such poor support. Would not recommend anyone to join or rely on this app. I am giving 0 ratting.
    Hardik Solanki
    No option for Part Time work for new joiners in app. Additionally there is no option to change the same from app. A google form provided by app which is really not relevant to use for change shifts and very awkward and unusual when its comes to a gig who is really not aware of english language.
    Damien Browne
    The App works fine, but it becomes irritating when quit often it keeps taking the image and then gets hang-up. We need to restart the phone every time. The first couple of weeks it was working perfectly fine. But since last week I'm facing this issue.
    Zacharias bazil
    In Swiggy delivery partners are treated as slaves. Don't be a part of this business. My requests 1)Bring back all the incentives and bonuses. Worst app experience. Help and support is not good enough.
    Pramod Makhija
    Hi Swiggy Team My swiggy deliver I'd is 10310960 , my account got temporary deactivated on 29th Jan 12.am and shows I can login on 30th jan after 12.am , but still now I'm not able to start my duty still showing temporary deactivated and when I'm trying to raise a ticket it's showing contact fleet manager not marking the issue as resolved. It does not give any contact details of fleet manager. Pls share contact details of my fleet manager
    Worst app I've used as a Swiggy delivery partner! The help and support team is absolutely unhelpful. They keep disconnecting calls during conversations, making it extremely frustrating to get assistance. On top of that, they don't pay any incentives despite meeting all the requirements. It’s disappointing to work for an app that doesn't value its delivery partners and offers such poor support. Would not recommend anyone to join or rely on this app.
    Akshay Jagdale (AJ)
    Application getting hanged while uploading selfie. We need to force close to use it. Also order assigned sound is very irritating please add option to mute this sound after assignment seen by rider.
    Muhammed Shahid
    My name is Muhammed Shahid N.K. I have worked in Swiggy for a few days. Not working now. It's been a long time since I left work. Permanent quit option is given in Swigyy app. But still I keep getting constant calls from Swigy. Calls are coming more than 10 times a day. Calls are coming from many numbers no matter how many times you skip or block them. Permanently quit three times in swiggy app. This is a big problem for me. This has become a huge nuisance. The phone has to be put on s
    Shekhar Reddy
    Worst app They show some incentive but after completing the day we won't get that. When we will raise the ticket the customer service will inform that they have raised the request if we believe this then there is no use. After that when we call to confirm the ticket status they say that our concern team is still working. After few days the ticket will not be shown. As per reply forwarded the email but not one contacted. Still same again today about the incentive Swiggy is fraud and scam for DA.
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