Price History: Track and save!

All in one shopping: Deals, Price History, Price Drop Alerts and Price Tracker

Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 77,063)

Review summary

  • Price drop alerts are useful when functioning correctly.
  • The app has a sleek interface that is user-friendly for tracking price fluctuations.
  • It can save users time and money when it works as intended.
  • The price data is often inaccurate or misleading, with many listings showing fake prices.
  • The notification system for alerts frequently fails to work reliably.
  • Numerous bugs were reported that affect the functionality of the app, such as issues with loading and data consistency.
Most mentioned
  • The app frequently shows misleading or fake prices for products.
  • Price drop notifications often do not reflect actual price changes.
  • The application has become increasingly buggy and unreliable over time.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.71
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Date Author Rating Comment
Price drop alerts are good. But deals on their main page are misleading. Some products are shown selling for peanuts but when I click on it, the real price is different.
Vishal Singh
I have been using Price History for tracking product prices, but recently, the service has been very disappointing. Most of the product price histories seem to have been deleted or are no longer available. The data displayed now is limited to just a month or less, which defeats the purpose of a price tracking tool. Additionally, it feels like the app is no longer reliable, and there’s no clear communication about whether this is a technical issue, a policy change, or something else. If this con
ravi yadav
I mean it doesn't show 95% of deals and deals shown are insanely buggy it shows a product for like 200rs but when you open the link it's like 5000 lmfao. Also some of the buggy deals are still there since months.
himanshu Maurya
Why you have made an app if we can't use it... everytime I open it shows waiting for an internet connection...I have 300 Mbps speed..all other apps working perfectly but this app is not showing any sign of opening
Deep dsd
For some reason it was good before i signed in. After that i get absolutely no notifications from this app even when the prices drop below the tracker margin. It's been like this for me for like a year now.
Sukhbir Singh Sidhu
This app is very useful, but I've found a bug that is troublesome. Every time I open a product for price history, it shows the right data for a few seconds but then again reverts back to modified incorrect data. Please fix it ASAP to avoid confusion with product price history and comparison.
Rohit Naik
I had this app installed on my phone for so many years now and it use to work very well a year back. But now the app has so many bugs and often show wrong information and now it seems that the alert option too doesn't work anymore. If it had been working like before it would have been an app for everyone who orders stuffs online. I hope you fix this.
Sharath.N. Raju
It's horrible, there are a lot of bugs. I was trying to change the password, every time I switch apps it goes to launch page.I need to do all the process from start and this perpetual cycle doesn't end. How should I chang my password
Abhiram S Girish
Most of the 'deals' is fake. when you see an offer on home page, it's a clickbait.sometimes the app increases the prize by 10 times then giving a 95 percent offer.I don't know if this is by accident or if they're actually scamming people. But this makes the app pretty much useless
amit dhariwal
Fake Price of products. It show the price of an item in hundred thousand which is actually of a few thousand. Then show that item is 98-99% off. When you redirect to the e-commerce website you got to see the real mrp and real price, which is usual price throughout the year. It's track price is also fake. Terrible app, only misleading customers.
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