for Android is the smartest way to manage your tasks.

Total ratings

2.88 (Rating count: 1,591)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful features for task management
  • Great for GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology
  • Good for scheduled and recurrent tasks
  • Poor customer support or no response from developers
  • Bugs and synchronization issues
  • App is no longer supported or updated
  • Payment issues and difficulties in accessing pro features
Most mentioned
  • Lack of support and responsiveness from developers
  • Bugs and issues with app performance
  • Problems with paying for pro features but not receiving them
  • App not functioning on newer Android versions
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 2.88
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Date Author Rating Comment
Matthew Moore
The app won't work on my latest version of Android, I have paid for pro and now I can't use the App on my phone .It keeps giving check Network , I tried my old phone and it works 100%
Festus Williams
Not sure what's going on but this used to be owned by "Snoworange" now I see different company name. Using the app on my mobile phone is near impossible, it's like it's been choked, where i experience a minimum 3 second lag which makes it impossible to use. There have not been any updates (that I'm aware of) for quite some time now. Maybe time to leave Doit for something that's still supported. Caveat Emptor (buyer beware).
Alan Wheeler
Installed years ago. Now it's 2020 and I have 1 week till my pro expires. Idk if I should risk trying to renew after seeing reviews that the support went missing a couple years ago. But I still love the app so I might just throw the money out there as "tip" to whoever still has the purse. UPDATE: When my Pro acct expired, I went thru the renewal process, paid the fee via PayPal, and... it WORKS!
Karl “Karper” Perry DipHE DipNCRQ MinstLM SMICS
Paid for the year and started using it. Love the concept as it's Nirvana HQ on steroids but it is very buggy and crashes a lot. I sadly have now stopped using this despite I paid for the year.
Kristine Petersone
Basically its with good features,but its not connected with Google Calendar and asI have red from others ,it looks like I have no hope to get support and my money back. I have bought subscription to for a year and now whant it back. As app doesn't work as promised!
Krisnah Poinasamy
Still use this and love it but the support is clearly waning, even for paid customers. I can't open it on my iPad and no answer from them.
A Google user
Can no longer email tasks to with Pro account. Hard drives may be full up. Last international maintenance announcement was 01/01/2018. It was an excellent GTD app, sortable next actions and subtasks, integrate evernote, email, and gcal, widgets to make it front and center. Native desktop apps and review. Very competitive yearly cost for extras. But seems the development has not been very active with it anymore. 😣
A Google user
Developers dissappeared in early 2018. App no longer supported. No longer functions properly. Google should remove from Google Play.
A Google user
The app itself is very useful, but there are bugs all the time, disappearing tasks, synchronization mistakes, timezone setting problems etc. The last update was almost 3 years ago. Maybe it's time to fix it?!
A Google user is the service and app I always returned to. But it's turned to manure with no support expired SSL certificate and failing sync. I renewed before this happened and Google is no help can't get refund. The service appears abandoned. Earlier I had been favorable: Very complete GTD, great cross platform support, widgets, syncing. It's comprehensive without being convoluted. Tried to like the other pretty ones but Doit is best for me. Reliable easy to use and complete.
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