Automatic spider identifier

Identify the spider by its photo or video automatically

Total ratings

2.57 (Rating count: 83)
See reviews for Automatic spider identifier on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 2.57

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50% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Benjamin Delp (CountryChristian)
Doesn't work and it doesn't identify the right spider with the picture of the spider you scan on app. I don't recommend this app for a spider identifier.
Georgia Maas
Gallery option doesn't work on Google Pixel
Janelle Knapp
I took a photo of a spider, and when I tapped identify spider it came up with several scientific names it could be. I don't want to have to look up each one to find out what it COULD be, I want it identified.
Peter Staples
Didn't work
Patricia Hinkler
I wish it would tell me what kind of spider i have for a pet
Linda van Rooyen
Eerste keer genruik dadelik id gekry