Reviews of Bird song identifier

List of user reviews and ratings for Bird song identifier

Total ratings

2.58 (Rating count: 42)
See reviews for Bird song identifier on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.63
All time rating average: 2.58

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Date Author Rating Comment
Marie Castagnaro
Awesome to learn what birds we have around here as there are so many. Great app.
Al La (Alex)
Does nothing
Tim Tapping
Doesn't allow upload and identify an already recorded bird call.
Martin Abbott
Waste of time. Uninstalled...
wayne jahr
Horrible app. It keeps flashing the percentage of what bird it could be and never settles on one. Even worse, it only gives the bird name in Latin. What were the writers thinking!
Paul Walker
It wont hold still long enough to give an identification. It cycles through and changes about every 1 to 2 seconds as to what it could be. Also, I don't think I have any penguins in my back yard. It uses scientific names instead of common names, but because it changes so quickly every second, you don't have time to click the details button to get more info. I have 1 loud bird in my back yard. I figured this would be an easy test for the app. Unless you can identify birds by their scientific name
Bonnie Warren
????calculating sounds but never show the result or identification
Rhonda Thompson
Difficult to navigate app and does not seem to understand English. Gave up after 2 minutes