Sekolahan Student

The "Student School" application is a platform for the student learning process.

Sekolahan Student App

The Sekolahan Student app is the go-to platform for students seeking a smoother learning experience. This multi-purpose application offers interactive learning materials, customizable online exams, and a digital attendance system, fostering a more efficient connection between students and teachers.

With its user-friendly interface, Sekolahan Student empowers users to easily access essential information and complete academic tasks, making it an invaluable tool in modern education. Transform your educational journey with Sekolahan Student today!

Downloads: 18,749
Version: (Last updated: 2024-08-06)
Full description: See detailed description
Updated: 19 hours ago


User reviews

Mantap bisa nyontek keluar masuk pas ujian, nilai saya selalu 90 inimah
by Javier MD, 2024-05-31
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