Event Countdown Widget

Don't forget the important dates of your life!

Event Countdown Widget - Never Forget Important Dates

"Event Countdown Widget" is a powerful countdown tool for your Android device that helps you keep track of important dates. Customize countdowns for events, set reminders, and choose from multiple display options. Create multiple widgets and organize your days leading up to your favorite occasions. With features like importing from Google Calendar and adjusting counting modes, you'll never miss an important day again!

App stats

By: JimSoft
Downloads: 1,187,245
Version: 2.1.0 (Last updated: 2024-01-15)
Version code: 64
Creation date: 2012-11-28
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.READ_CALENDAR
  • android.permission.VIBRATE
  • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
  • android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR
  • com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE
  • com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID
  • hu.jimsoft.eventcountdownwidget.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION
  • See more
Size: 10.10M
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and set up
  • Variety of customizable widgets
  • Long-time users appreciate the app's functionality
  • Ability to count up or down with dates
  • Attractive widget designs
  • Widgets do not update automatically; require manual refreshing
  • Recent updates have introduced bugs and functionality issues
  • Complexity in navigation and usability
  • Limited icon options for specific events
  • Difficult customization of widget appearance
Most mentioned
  • Widgets not automatically updating count
  • App has usability and navigation issues after updates
  • Request for additional customization options like color and size
User reviews
I have had this app for years and use to love it - I went back in to set up and it isn't the same any longer - I was unable to navigate within, couldn't get to an area to enter information and found it now convoluted
by Karrie Steel, 2025-01-23

To the developer, Can you please add a months-weeks-days (e.g. 5m 3w 6d in a 1x1 or 3x1) option to the widget, and also the ability to have the title background transparent so that it displays as text only? Been using this widget for years through at least four phones. Hope you see this! :)
by _bloodfeather_, 2024-09-07
View all user reviews

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