Price and product comparison, barcode scanning, shopping list compilation
Shoppy - Your Personal Shopping Assistant
"Shoppy" is a free Android app that facilitates price and product comparison, barcode scanning, and shopping list management. It helps users quickly find the best deals from a variety of stores, ensuring savings of up to 30% on daily shopping. With features like personalized offers and the ability to track purchases, "Shoppy" provides an independent platform to compare thousands of products from stores across Hungary, including Tesco, Auchan, and Rossmann.
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User reviews
I love thIs app 💕
meena ravi, 2024-12-19
Web felületen már próbáltam, bejött. Jó lenne az app is, ha nem futna hibára már frissen a letöltés utáni indítás során.
Niki Gruber, 2024-09-24
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