HTML Code Play plus

HTML Code Play + is the advanced version of HTML Code Play, not basics code
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Recent rating average: 4.80
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86% (18)
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5% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Salman Salman
This app is very useful I love it I like it
Mudirna Araji
Thanks for this apps all my assignment make it easy
Md Rahim Ali
It's a best html , css and programming language learning apps for beginners.
Fateh Villins
This app is the best code editor for front end. but it can be used for html, css, js only( if offline ). would be good if this app add one more language such as bootstrap or jquery, for can be used in offline mode. i dont like using api to connect (online) jquery bcoz this app will laggy or crash.. im truly thankful . if yu wanna add one more language jquery or bootstrap 🙏🙏 Thank You.
Great app! I highly recommend this app to HTML beginners. It functions properly and it functions very quickly! The results are amazing too. Keep it up!
Jerrin Sebastian
Its a nice aap to practice coding in Mobile I think a biggner who doesn't have laptop or computershould practice with this.
Davida Ali
I give four star cuz, in mini project even I change the code the output deosn't show the result .
Mohammid Yash
i have changed my rating view from 1 to 5, this app have become great. but the sound is terrible when i click the output button, tht sound is horrible when im listening music with earphone during doing coding..
Divyanshu Kannaujiya !!
Thanks for giving extra knowledge on HTML CSS and JS
Sudha rani
Wow, really this is a awsome application to learn web developement with step by step explanations are very good.
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