
HouseCall - the app for your house

Total ratings

2.45 (Rating count: 170)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App frequently crashes and fails to open on multiple devices.
    • Difficulties in deleting accounts and managing credit card information.
    • Poor user interface and lack of functionality for customers.
    • Limited support for troubleshooting; users are often directed to contact their service providers.
    • App does not provide features like appointment confirmation or cancellation.
    Most mentioned
    • Crashes and stability issues on various Android devices.
    • Ineffective customer support and lack of communication from developers.
    • Frustration over app usability and management of cleaning service appointments.
    • Inability to delete accounts or manage payment information.
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.20
    All time rating average: 2.45
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    85% (17)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Kory Sheldahl
    Worthless. I used this app/service 5 years ago and it was great. Today, I had to download the app again, make sure it was the consumer app (not the pro). After completeing the registration the required my credit card, I was told they couldn't service my area. Now I can't delete my account and they have my CC info. Btw. Android app doesn't work at all. I had to register on apple.
    Alexa White
    App no longer opens. It begins to ask for permissions, then crashes and won't open. Cleared cache, force quit, uninstalled and reinstalled, still crashes. New Pixel 7 Pro.
    Abel Perez
    No longer works on Galaxy S22 plus. You try to log in and it automatically closes. The developers need to get their act together and fix this
    Georgia Hayes
    App will not open. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and restarting the phone. Nothing works.
    Jess Painz
    If I could give zero stars I would. My cleaning company uses this but I can't even get it to open. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, and restarted my phone. Total garbage.
    Jessica Silengo
    This app has been down for months. I am unable to pay my service providers or schedule. Please fix
    Keith Covill
    I've used this app for over a year. Worked great! But now it won't even open (Samsung Galaxy note 10). Still opens on my work iPhone Xr but very annoying to have to use my work phone. Contacted developer that uses a chat feature via email (weird). They don't seem to be aware of housecall app... only housecall pro app.
    Lyndsay Pittman
    Terrible. Crashes as soon as I open it. Used to work fine until recently.
    Patrick Horan
    App crashes as soon as I try to open it. Tried to contact the developer only to be told that I would have to call my HVAC provider for assistance because they have an account? Ridiculous. Guess I'll just call the contractor directly.
    Leslie Werrline
    The app won't open. It was working fine a couple months ago and now, nothing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it and still not working
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