Vara Koto - ভাড়া কত

Easiest way to calculate the actual transport vara for your destination!

Vara Koto - Smart Transport Fare Calculator

"Vara Koto - ভাড়া কত" is an Android app that simplifies fare comparison between multiple transport services, helping users find the most economical travel option. With the ability to estimate fares for buses, taxis, rickshaws, and more, it combines offers and promo codes from over 15 providers into a single interface. Additional features include bus route info for Dhaka, smart travel blogs, and accurate fare calculations based on each service's guidelines. Stay updated with the latest discounts and travel smarter with Vara Koto.

App stats

Downloads: 223,478
Rating: 2.65
Version: 5.0.2 (Last updated: 2022-03-30)
Creation date: 2017-04-15
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Vara Koto - ভাড়া কত (v1.1.00)
174 5.00 (4)
Not available on Firefox
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User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for checking fares for multiple vehicle types in one app.
  • Fast loading time and generally accurate fare amounts.
  • Includes information on promo codes and helpful vehicle details.
  • User interface is not user-friendly and needs improvement.
  • Sluggish performance and slow search responses in recent versions.
  • Inaccurate fare calculations for specific routes, especially in Dhaka.
Most mentioned
  • Need for better user experience and interface design.
  • App performance and speed issues mentioned frequently.
  • Desire for updated and accurate fare information.
User reviews
BRTA fare Doesn't show. Would be better if all the fare chart is in app not redirecting to another site. Also would be best if we could input our starting place and destination place instead of km and time.

Time & Km doesn't work all the time, i think you guys should add public/drivers opinion for this app, how anyone is able to tell the time before even making the journey
by Ayyan Aaabid, 2023-01-14

What nonsense app is this? Gives simple calculator type bus fare estimation. As if all bus operators follow a set of spicific fare chart. Useless app.
by ams963, 2022-12-22
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