Farm Legend

Build the farm to be the big farm in the world, Family Farm Legend

Total ratings

3.75 (Rating count: 1,445)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Enjoyable gameplay
  • Great concept and theme
  • Fun mechanics for farming and managing resources
  • Excessive pop-up ads disrupt gameplay
  • Frequent freezing and bugs
  • Long wait times for crop growth and orders that can't be completed
Most mentioned
  • Pop-up ads are too frequent
  • Game freezes and has bugs
  • Need for updates and improvements
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.75
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30% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Krystal Evans
I'm giving 2 stars only. It's a great game,but the pop-up ads are ridiculous.When I'm in the middle of doing something an ad pops up about every ten seconds.I watch enough ads to det the rewards and have to sit through a 60 second ad to get it.I don't mind doing that.I shouldn't have to watch an ad every ten seconds.Fix that issue and I'll rate higher.
Amy Jo Holden
I loved this game until my phone broke and when I got a new phone downloaded the app again I had to start over completely. Then I login one day and everything is frozen saying it will be 365 days until I can harvest anything. Now if I buy something like land then I can grow and harvest like normal but everything else I have to wait over a year to use. ..
Mary Miss
Very nice game I love it
Namrata Subhash Bhalerao
At Beginning I Was enjoying this game but suddenly it is showing me 395days:23hrs:30min time to grow a crop sorry to say but Its irritating hope soon they will take note of it
Md Akash
This is easy game😄
Janette Lombaard Chane1
Adds is tooo much, the whole time. Starting to dislike game.
Tricia Edge
Love the game very well
Shoukat Munner
Very very very bad game
Magret Mojisola
When I tried to play the game, it just stopped suddenly. Very much annoying
Tess Osaibo
The game is nice to play but I have a few problems that need serious fixing. 1. The game has bugs. It hangs literally every 2 seconds, which is very annoying. 2. I receive orders for product my level hasn't unlocked yet and it's usually in big amounts which is too much for products that use 2 hours + to make. So I can't complete orders And don't have enough coins to buy more equipment. 3.the storage is too small making upgrades difficult and always looking for materials. 4.Ads not loading.
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