Hashtags AI: Follower Booster

Hashtag generator for instagram & tiktok followers and likes for report&tracker

Total ratings

4.61 (Rating count: 154,206)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Comprehensive range of features for social media marketing
  • Hashtags generated are usually relevant and save time
  • User-friendly interface, easy to navigate
  • Offers support and a robust workflow for users
  • Incorporates an AI writer with various tones and options
  • Aggressive monetization with frequent prompts for subscription
  • Short trial period of only 3 days
  • Limited functionality during trial may not reflect full app capabilities
  • Many users report issues with the analytics and hashtag checking features
  • Perceived as more suited for businesses rather than individuals
Most mentioned
  • Frequent prompts for payment
  • Short trial period not allowing enough testing time
  • Struggles with functionality of certain features
  • Value for money concerns
  • Overall complexity and steep learning curve for new users
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.61
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27% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Brandon raatz
This app doesnt do what I thought it would do and I really didnt have a chance to do much with it before having. Very disappointed and a waste of money.
Amberlee Norgren
WOOOOOW. I seriously can't believe all of the available support this app offers. I recently switched back to Android after years with Apple. I was super sad to find that my go-to hashtag app isn't available through the play store. Downloaded a couple and nothing measured up.. until I looked at this one. It has EVERYTHING you could possibly want to help you be successful on social media. MUCH higher price tag than I was paying with the other app, but I'm justifying the price given what's offered
Muhammad Shafiq Malik
Learning never ends. I travel and always engaged in learning. I like the people who are fond of traveling, reading and have good social contracts. I like the people who always think positively. The person with huministic approach is definitely my ideal. Sincere and devoted friends ,no doubt, blessings of God,I believe. I strongly believe in learn to learn, not earn.
Emmanuel Aaron
This all is worth trying. ease lots of stress in figuring out which hashtag to use and the best time to post
Lindsay Tullock
This app seems to be amazing so far I just started it and I love it It really takes your ideas and puts them into a amazing way of delivering them through either a post or basically whatever you need it to be and it's excellent for anything to do with social media marketing advertising and more
Monika Pavlov
Impressive range of features, it's not just a tool but actually a really fun app to explore.
Anthony McMillan
I'm just not getting to use the app to see how it is. I'll send second option in a little bit. They seem to be e et nice people
Sarah Clifford
Was immediately prompted for money and they only offer 3 days usage for free. Not enough time to test out properly and probably should be a 10 day free trial. Also every. Single. Time. I clicked a button payment request popped up. No thank you. It may very well be a good product but it felt like a pushy used car salesman. I deleted this app and will be looking for something less grabby with my money.
Google Alphabet
This app it a joke. Not, at all, worth your time. If you're trying to make relevant hashtags for something specific, say, for instance, politics Google not working all, I'm the least.
Christivie Muela Gitoka
it's a great app that everyone can count on plus it's original purpose in helping others grow their content brand and audiences helps achieve one's dream and goals in their social media platforms . this can be anyone's next big dream if they want to make their dreams become a reality.
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