Utah ID Authenticator

UtahID Authenticator works in conjunction with the UtahID Platform

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3.84 (Rating count: 19)
See reviews for Utah ID Authenticator on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 2.83
All time rating average: 3.84

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Date Author Rating Comment
Josh Macfarlane
I hope UDOt Fixes this
William Kofoed
App appears to need a QR code to work yet know where can the QR code be found and the help files do not refer to the current website correctly
Michael Jones
Being able to control what Drivers License information is disclosed, based upon the situation, is a feature everyone needs.
Jeff Rose
Fails to send notices.
Alisha Lee Reiva
Not bad could use some fixes towards recovering with other options incase you lose a phone.
Steve Myers
this is ridiculous if this is what you have to go through to hire people its no wonder there so many people unemployed