IRS2Go is the official app of the Internal Revenue Service.

Total ratings

4.02 (Rating count: 73,811)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and user-friendly interface
  • Provides access to important tax documents and information
  • Works well for checking refund status and making payments
  • Can be convenient for e-filing taxes
  • Useful for keeping track of tax information
  • Frequent issues with information not matching or being incorrect
  • Limit on how many times users can check their information
  • App updating without user consent and changing phone settings
  • Some users report serious issues with payment confirmations and missing transactions
  • Difficulties with customer support and lack of human interaction
Most mentioned
  • Information doesn't match problem
  • Exceeded limit on attempts to access account
  • Useful for checking refund status and tax info
  • App functionality issues after updates
  • Frustration with IRS bureaucracy
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.02
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Date Author Rating Comment
The Zaar
Doesn't work. Keeps saying information doesn't match when I know the info is EXACTLY THE SAME! Edit: Years later! Same problem!
Simple,easy to use and E- File was a breeze.
Patrick Cartwright
Horrible app. To the people saying great app, can you please tell me what you're doing to get your status. I've been trying since 1/27/25. It either says information doesn't match, or exceeded limit.
It worked for one day then the next day said my info didn't match. But credit karma has it saying otherwise so I'm confused, why do we need to use this app?
Chapi The Clown
Says I've exceeded my limit. This is the first time I've checked it in two days. 🤷🏻 Doesn't work I guess
Becca Jade
Daily limit reached? Um what? You limit how many times I can check MY info? Just says my Info is wrong when I know it's not.
G David
This app does its job. Just make sure that you know the exact amount of your expected return, otherwise it will not work.
Summer Williams
I am putting my information in correctly but it keeps saying that the information is incorrect.
Anthony Cook
The app is okay and does help with the information you might be needing. I rated this two stars because the IRS Sucks. They take your money as soon as you owe, but they make you jump through impossible hoops to get what they owe you. I really wish they would be closed completely because it does nothing for the people of the USA. I wouldn't care if they disappeared tomorrow
Javier Solis
Payment was made and still shows a different balance 😵‍💫 Weekend has started and no use adding another payment again. Payment was due next week😮‍💨🙄
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