Gallery - Photo Gallery, Album

Simple gallery to organize and manage your photo albums. Hide photos and videos.

Total ratings

4.49 (Rating count: 9,976)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Ability to view various media formats without limitations
  • Simple and straightforward navigation
  • Frequent ads even after purchasing premium
  • Issues with app performance and slow loading times
  • Lack of file recovery options for deleted media
Most mentioned
  • Problems with ads and subscription model
  • UI is appreciated but app performance is lacking
  • Media not found errors and app hanging
See reviews for Gallery - Photo Gallery, Album on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.49
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mckensie Ferguson
A photo gallery with a subscription service is the absolute dumbest BS I've ever seen
GH Qadir
I love this app because the interface of this gallery is very awesome
Nilesh Kumar
It's a good gallery for me, I just had two issues first one is that it doesn't open while my data is on, I always has to turn off data then open them turn on data, second it doesn't has recover deleted file section where deleted file stays for 30 days, this feature should be included.
Karsten Keese
Recurring subscription fees for a photo gallery? When there are so many functionally superior competitor products that can be purchased instead of rented? Is there really no qualified psycho-analyst anywhere near where you live? Well, while you have your head examined, this milkingware has been replaced with Focus Go plus another better alternative and was uninstalled thereafter.
Irabor Lilian
I can't rename files, if you try the file deletes
Ajit Kapoor
I have purchased the premium, still showing ad. After premium it slow responding while open and load images. Then why you set up premium features.
Ahmad Firdaus
v1.1.3 I like the UI but it's not proper gallery app. Set wallpaper ada dibawah tapi gak proper.
Raghu Bhaide
The perfect gallery for photo and video easy to findout. ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™
Reynilda Laspuna
wonderful day when done installing Google account and able to set profile.
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