All language translator

Translator for more than 100 languages

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 2,251)

Review summary

  • User-friendly interface
  • Keeps history of translations
  • Good accuracy in translations for multiple languages
  • Effective speech-to-text and text-to-speech functions for many languages
  • Speech recognition issues, particularly misinterpreting languages as English
  • Ads are intrusive even in the paid version
  • Inconsistent translation quality for certain languages
  • Some users experience glitches that hinder usability
Most mentioned
  • Issues with speech recognition (particularly for non-English languages)
  • Annoyance with ads in the paid version
  • Desire for improved accuracy in translations
  • Request for features to enhance usability and efficiency
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.56
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Date Author Rating Comment
CW Flaherty
I don't know what happened but I can only use this to translate from English to Chinese. It won't work from Chinese to English. It is as if it thinks you're still speaking in English. My wife is Chinese. It used to work but now screws up consistently.
Ant C
I used to think this app was excellent, but recently it'sstopped 'hearing' Polish & is hearing it as English so can no longer translate spoken Polish to English. PLEASE FIX! I did like that it kept a history, which is useful for when you have forgotten a phrase you looked up already. [Original notes... Could be improved by setting your sex so that when wanting a translation as spoken by a female you don't have to edit the results (as in Polish).]
T Gmail
Speach translation only works for English to other languages but not all the way around. (It did work for first few days though, but not afterwards! I keep getting "Try Again" messages on different languages spoken by different people!)
Raza Haider
Was working fine up until a few days ago. Now the speech to text function doesn't detect Persian speech. It just assumes I'm speaking English. Google translate has no problem detecting Persian speech and accurately writing it via the speech to text, and considering this is using Google's translate API, I don't see why this would have an issue. I had also paid to have ads removed. I've been using this app for a long time, but now I simply cannot use it due to this. I'd like a refund.
Jessica Figueroa
Not hearing korean anymore, the app used to be able to hear korean and translate to English. Now it recognizes korean as English and doesn't translate properly. Please fix this issue, this is not helpful anymore until this is fixed
John Walker
I don't think that I can adequately express my gratitude to the developer(s) for this app. I had been using it for a while, helping a Honduran friend/neighbor to learn English, and kept thinking to myself, "I wish I had a history of the things we discussed/studied." Then, just today, oblivious me found that, on top of all the other awesome features this app has, it has History, too! If you're teaching anyone, or just using the app to learn a 2nd language, give this one a try. Best in class.
Ashik Ali
The Tamil to English translation is fairly good in free version. But Ads are really annoying as you have to wait for Ads to finish playing before getting the translation. Maybe it can be replaced with Ads being shown below the app. The paid version is devoid of Ads. But there can be a little more attention paid to the accuracy of translations with the help of native speakers in Tamil and Malayalam instead of literal translations of the english words when you switch between these languages.
Socheath Hei
Can translate long texts, the best I've seen so far for translation between EN-KH, in term of coherency, making senses. Hopefully the data translation through here can be process into deep learning and further adjust from 95% to 100%. Or can utilize what had achieved here into more fields. I'm quite amazed on what had achieved so far. It could be good too to have function into more interactive, that's read thru KH, the EN screen roll down same time, highlight, for proofread etc.
Kimball Tucker
The paid version does not play the audio for translated into Hebrew like the free version. Very disappointed that I got less after paying for the app. The free version I would give 4 stars. But it has a hard time getting what it hears in Hebrew correct.
David Money
Works very well. No ads, no problem selecting language. Speech to text and text to speech work very well (except in Esperanto).
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