Chargeprice: EV map & prices

Charging prices and stations for your electric car all over Europe!
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jeroen Klooster
An app to advise you which app (or card) to use? Yes, it's needed and very useful in the world of charging EVs! This app does a decent job and helps a lot to select the cheapest payment at a given charger or to find the cheapest charger in a certain area. There are a few flaws though, like even though it supports Enefit Volt as a provider, the app doesn't show any Enefit Volt chargers.
Pretty much the only way to compare prices between charging stations, subscription services. Missing option to filter only AC charging for cheaper, longer parking cases.
Jimmy Gawri
Prices are not always
Installed this app based on recommendation in 2 year old YT video. Design is nice. But the app consistently claims that there is no Internet connection and doesn't load any charging stations. Naturally my device itself very well connected to the Internet.
ExDee “The Player Of Games” Wobblum
No "Reject all" cookies option, no easy way to object to tracking ≠ GDPR. Premium mode is hidden BEHIND the cookies dialogue so unless you spend 5 minutes turning off cookies you are immediately leaking data before signing up to premium — changing it around so you can log in before being presented with the cookies dialogue would fix this. Per kWh pricing listings are hidden in the settings under "Always show details" which means "Show pricing structure" — app dev should set this on by default.
Link to Privacy Policy only covers website and seems to have been written in a very verbose manner - perhaps to discourage reading it. The app description says NO data is shared with 3rd parties, but the Policy makes it clear that it is. Very dubious. On top of that, a brief 1 minute look showed several stations missing. They want nearly 3GBP/month for Premium? Get real! I NEVER subscribe to any app, but won't even consider keeping this installed, lack of privacy policy alone ensures that.
Markus Barth
Used to be good in 2021. Now outdated, incomplete data and ad-ridden. I relied on it twice this year and both times was stranded.
Iris Mueck
Es scheint, dass dies das App von EMC (e-Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen) ist. Nach einem Email ping-pong mit dem Betreiber stellt sich raus, dass keine neuen Mitglieder mehr aufgenommen werden. Damit ist das App Makulatur. Andere Mütter haben auch schöne Töchter. Das gebe ich zu bedenken... Auf weitere Bemerkungen möchte ich aus Selbstschutz verzichten...
Vincenzo Grimaldi
Recently the app was updated and a lot of new features were added, good the account management and the possibility of having all in synch in the account. Was also nice to have the option of more EVs and the possibility to switch between them... but this is gone now. I have to say that due to the massive change in tariffs some of the station are now reporting wrong prices. I strongly advice you guys to create a contributor role that can help you finding and identifying stations and prices fast
Raoul Teeuwen
Would be great one could easily see what the cheaper and more expensive stations are by for instance the color of the icon on the map
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