Reviews of GFX Tool: Launcher & Optimizer

List of user reviews and ratings for GFX Tool: Launcher & Optimizer

Total ratings

4.49 (Rating count: 1,619,119)

Review summary

  • Improves game graphics and performance for low-end devices
  • Easy to unlock 60fps for smoother gameplay
  • Works well for games like PUBG and BGMI, according to many users
  • Many users have reported significant improvements in their gaming experience after using this app
  • Not compatible with Android 14 and 15, causing permission issues
  • Application may revert game settings to default after use
  • Some users experience lag or decreased frames per second
  • Requires specific permissions that are not consistently supported across all devices
Most mentioned
  • Compatibility issues with Android 14 and 15
  • Reverting game settings to default when using the app
  • Need for shizuku support for proper functionality on all devices
  • Requests for 90fps or higher frame rate support
  • Permission issues preventing access to necessary game folders
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for GFX Tool: Launcher & Optimizer on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.49
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Rating filters

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32% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Aniket Walekar (Transformers A.)
Bgmi just got new update and changed the graphic layout please check it out and update your app if i change the setting using gfx apk then bgmi lobbys graphics will be changed but combat, home and efficiency part will not change and that was the main part where anti aliasing settled right now. Without anti aliasing the bgmi looks like dirty and blur quality. Please help us..
Ateeb Zahid
Gfx tool is not working on my phone ny phone is redmi 12, when my phone was on android 14 it was running perfectly, when i update my phone it stops working when i click on run game the gfx tool is like stoped working it automatically closed the app
it's the finest tool that I have ever used ,but since I updated to Android 15 version it stops working because files app doesn't allows it to access android folder, kindly kindly kindly kindly tsoml developers please added the shizuku support to this app so it'll work on every phone πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»
Sadman Sakib
this app is amazing. i play pubg in low device but with the support of this app my game used to be super smooth. but now i get issues with this app. it isn't working for some reason. I don't know if it's some bug or for my android 13 but im really disappointed.
Sa. Sa
hi I use this app last year it's was great and also improve my graphics and smoothly and now I redownload again but it's not working anymore it's kinda need a "permission" please fix it and also other players also struggle want to get beautiful graphics and improve their gameplay. and I also want it very much. I hope you notice this.
MarkMC Castro
The best of the best graphics for pubg. At first my pubg and the graphics were so bad but I saw this on TikTok and I had to try it and as soon as I downloaded it I feel excited and I didn't know this would really work
Aman Ullah
Dear gfx tool team... This gfx tool is not working on Android 15... When i update my mob to android 15 then gfx tool is not working ... Special permission issue is facing on my mob... Plz solve this issue as soon as possible...
Michael Teofilov
It repeatedly announces that it works only for specific games, yet nowhere is a list of those games to be found. Tried it having Archero in mind, zero success...
120 fps doesn't have an option, 90fps is max. however another gfx tools can choose experimental 120fps
Yo it have so much lag one day when I start playing this application when there is too much players it start to shake like it's it's lagging and I can't control it can you fix this problem please πŸ™πŸ™
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