Reviews of nBlocks Wallet - Secure Defi w

List of user reviews and ratings for nBlocks Wallet - Secure Defi w

Total ratings

3.57 (Rating count: 114)
See reviews for nBlocks Wallet - Secure Defi w on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.13
All time rating average: 3.57

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38% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Maman Aja
Dr Renard
I am deafblind and this requires me to turn off assistive devices in order to use it. No thanks
Joseph Cuddington (PepeLePewManchester)
Even hippies are welcome
Marian Loka
Scrap 🖕🖕🖕🖕😉🖕🖕🖕
A Google user
Almost better dën Robolox. Quick fast and efficient! Download nBlocks today!
A Google user
I was starting to like the app I have had it for 2 days now and now the app doesn't work and lost all of my ballance
A Google user
Interesting app
A Google user
The wallet is just too good but wondering why not five stars, the wallet does not load tokens automatically. And there's no even option to add tokens using either contract address or token name. If this could be implemented... it's five stars for sure.