Easy Area : Land Area Measure

Easiest Area calculator for measuring land area & distance of GPS maps, photos.

Total ratings

4.05 (Rating count: 12,661)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very useful for measuring land and areas
  • Good accuracy in measurements
  • User-friendly interface
  • Offers a variety of measurement units
  • Helpful for real estate purposes
  • Many users report issues with GPS accuracy
  • Free version has limitations on features
  • Difficulty in saving measurements without premium
  • Frequent advertisements in the app
  • Some users experienced functionality issues after purchasing premium
Most mentioned
  • Difficulty saving measurements without premium
  • GPS location inaccuracies
  • Need for additional features like text and color options
  • Advertisements are intrusive
  • Lack of an option to add dimensions or total measurements easily
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.05
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Date Author Rating Comment
Richard Neal Armstrong
Will give you measurements for and area but it won't let you save them. I think that works only if you get the paid version
Sohel Mahmud (Amin)
Very nice app. It's almost give the accurate currency. Advertisement is the problem of this app.
Mohamed Bajubeir
I used this app for a long time without any payment until I satisfied it. Now, I decided to start paying , they deserve it is a good app , very useful 👍
Shaine Horst
I gave it a try. At first, I was feeling great about finding points between my corn markers. However, when walking past my shed, I noticed the blue dot (me with phone ), and the space between the shed was way off. So I mapped out the shed. Yeah, that did not do well. About 10 to 12 feet off. But it was a help to get me started on tree work. Fine-tuning will have to come from the guys with the real toys to do the job right
Tarunkumar Panchal
Wonderful App for digital different types of units of measurement for any area in a few clicks. Awesome.
Suresh KG
Excellent work!! Kudos to the entire team who put lots of effort to make it happen. One suggestion, please add a facility, instead of automatically give the measurements, we put the measurements of four sides of a plot and make the map adjust based on the measurements given. Imagine, we have a sketch in hand and we need to draw exactly same in the map as well. Thanks
chris nwando
Fantastic app. I however find it difficult to know how to erase work did, but don't like.
Neil Armstrong
Really amazing application. Very accurate and perfect in results producing. I am very satisfied with the results. Recommended ..
Paul Couch
Haven't used it much just the free version... Seems to be good on my 6a pixel.
Mujtaba Shah
Please update the application with extra features like 1. Title and description appears on the saved area. 2. Color of group can be change. 3. Different saved ares have different colors in one group.
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