sport i TV

Denmark's best guide to sports on TV! TV Guide
See reviews for sport i TV on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 2.83
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Var tidligere rigtig god, men efter det nye UI er kommet kan man ikke længere filtrere sine kanaler og hoved begivenheder i listen vi ikke klokkeslæt. Man skal trykke sig ind på hver enkelt. Meget ærgerligt.
I've been using it for years. Now it's unmanageable because of ads, my settings are reset for mysterious reasons and I can't find channel filter. There's an "upcoming match" without a time.
Danijel Nikolić
I suggest implementing accounts system so that one can sync their leagues, favorites etc. with the web version. Otherwise, very good app.
A Google user
Works again on Android 10. Sadly there is no way to buy an ad free version, so stays uninstalled until that changes.
A Google user
This app could be awesome, but it's started leaving out lots of matches on some of the channels with the most football games on.
A Google user
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