Device Information specs

Device Information - System & Hardware specs provides details about your devices

Total ratings

4.32 (Rating count: 1,047)

Review summary

  • Comprehensive details about device configurations
  • User-friendly interface and easy navigation
  • Accurate information provided about hardware and software
  • Fast and responsive development team
  • Minimal advertisement intrusion
  • Full screen ads are intrusive
  • Missing network information such as SSID or connection type
  • Ads blocking some information in the app
  • Font choice is not as good as before
  • Some features, like exporting specs, are lacking
Most mentioned
  • Detailed device information
  • Easy to use
  • Functionality without requesting permissions
  • Responsive to bug reports
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.32
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76% (16)
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5% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
REVE Android
best device information app to know the device configurations. recommended
Redmi Note 7 pro
I've been using the Device Information app for a while now, and it's truly a gem. The app provides comprehensive details about your device in a user-friendly format. It offers clear insights into hardware specs, software versions, and system status, which is invaluable for troubleshooting or just getting to know your device better. The interface is intuitive and clean, making navigation a breeze.
Arifin Sultana
Best app to detect accurate info of my device. This device info app fullfiled my needs.
Jerry Dillon
Easy,Fast,Secure, this one app is a must have for every phone Inexpensive or very Expensive phones. This app has it all.
Gary Marks
It gives incredibly complete device information and the development team is very responsive to bug reports. It was one of the first apps I installed on my new Samsung phone and three of the category tabs kept crashing. I submitted a bug report and it was fixed within a week in the next app update. Can't beat it!
Kittredge Seely
A good app that lets you see what's in your phone. I only tested on Samsung Note Phones.
Seri Petaling
Works well. Gives very detailed information of the phone.
Network information is lacking, no ssid or connection type. Maybe app needs permissions but none is requested. Update: Re: No it is not in network tab, as I said, it is missing, connection for is down as NOT AVAILABLE and said shows as . Stop pretending that is users fault and fix it, how can it not be able to get the nana and type of the ssid I am currently using even if hidden other device info apps get it correctly.
Debbie Kelley
Full screen ads are unnecessarily intrusive.
Bamidele Olanrewaju
Superb, very good and easy to use, it gives accurate information about your phone.
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