Subtree - Manage Subscriptions

Never forget to cancel subscription or unsubscribe from subscription again

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3.11 (Rating count: 21)
See reviews for Subtree - Manage Subscriptions on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.67
All time rating average: 3.11

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Date Author Rating Comment
Isaac TerVree
Decent looking app and the interface is simple and aesthetic and if it weren't for the bugs this would be the perfect app for me
Melvin Foster
Subscription problems Doesn't have other Subscriptions, only it's Subscriptions. Can't add my own Subscriptions.
Maruf Hassan
It's a good app and the lifetime subscription is reasonably priced but there is no option to add one time subscriptions. If you add some more features, I might give it another try.
Eduard Romanov
Is it possible to backup the data?
Prince Billy Graham Karmoker
Bdt not available
Michael Craig
Generally great, getting issues changing durations though - it'll flicker back and forth changing day/week/month/year for a few seconds and then 80% of the time changes properly to the one you selected. Happens every time so a bit annoying but fortunately not the kind of thing you have to do every time you use the app.