Balance: Money Manager

Simplify personal finance, expense tracking, budget management and smart saving

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4.40 (Rating count: 27)
See reviews for Balance: Money Manager on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.40

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Date Author Rating Comment
Jerome Francis
Sachin Gupta
Facing issues in scheduling..
Ivor Davies
Terrible. No option to import transactions or to get an automated update from bank app. When entering transactions (manually! ugh!) it doesn't indicate that the transaction has been accepted and the balance updated, so you end up mashing the enter button multiple times only to find out it has been accepted and you've just entered the same transactions about 57 times. Then you have to go and delete each of the duplicated transactions individually. Terrible terrible terrible.
A Google user
Easy to use, stream line budgetting app. Easy to use tabs and features. Seems like updates are scheduled regularly. When i reported an issue, I received instant positive feedback. Looking forward to making this my default budgetting and financial tracking application.
Paras Vasa
I just downloaded the app till now it is working smoothly, I request you to give one option monthly data transfer to excel and download or email