Exec Lua - Lua IDE & HTTP/MQTT

Development environment and runtime for Lua. HTTP/MQTT client. OpenAI GPT prompt

Total ratings

3.89 (Rating count: 196)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great for beginners learning Lua
  • Identifies coding errors clearly
  • Fast and functional
  • No distracting ads
  • Simple clean interface
  • Issues with input functionality (e.g., io.read)
  • Lacks features like undo/redo and dark mode
  • Visual bugs and crashes on certain Android versions
  • Toolbar occasionally hides and requires restarting to restore
  • Questionable version compatibility (e.g., Lua versions)
Most mentioned
  • Need for improved input support (io.read issues)
  • Request for dark mode
  • Need for features like undo/redo
  • Toolbar visibility problems
  • Great for script execution and learning Lua
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 3.89
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Date Author Rating Comment
Good app. Only one question: why tab key doesnt work?
Free Smiths
Hi can you make the screen bug and small using our two fingers one?? Please.
mrkop thuang
Please add learning course for free it's noting using this app
choki machuki
The app is great and unlike others it actually shows where you messed up on the coding, great for anyone who is starting to learn lua.
Jordan 8995
Bro why it not letting me input something in io.read() it return nil value
yassine taroub (Thepoff1327)
Trash lua exuc can't even support inputs
Hi Betch
This was exactly what I needed I've been trying to learn how to script and this popped up 5 stars wow
App:Exec Lua Problem: Global Variable doesn't work and "io.write" didn't even prompt the user to write. Maybe even "tonumber(io.read())" doesn't work.
Alnadz Mustal
i like the app, it works perfectly the way i expected
This app is AMAZING! It has a bad visually look, but you can still run lua!
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