Nextcloud Timemanager

An App for the Nextcloud's Timemanager App

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3.88 (Rating count: 51)
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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.88
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Date Author Rating Comment
The UX is a bit confusing. Kindly improve the app and release a premium version. I would love to pay for your hard work.
Michael Ebsch
Worked great for over a year, then the most recent update broke the theme making some areas un-readable, like time entries tab for example. Entering time works on some task while the button to enter a new time entry on other tasks just doesn't show up. Contacted Dev weeks ago with no response....turns out nobody is maintaining the app anymore. So it is broken until another Dev decides to take over the app.
Eri Drekaj (Mysterio)
Thank you for this awesome app.
Dmytro Dyvulskyi
Saving to the server is not working, so, it's useless
The attempt is cool, but the implementation is extremely buggy. The app connected to the NextCloud instance but didn't synchronized anything.
Nils Kammerer
Doesn't work. No customers, projects or tasks created via webbrowser are shown / synced to this app and therefore i cannot add entries.
Hans Peter Willems
Can not use this app with a http-connection, it mandates an https-connection. We run Nextcloud in a closed network without the need for ssl certs, so this app is useless this way.
Gleeson Horizon
Great app does what it needs to and syncs well on my self hosted instance. I have a question: what does the checkbox for time entries do?
Tim Babcock
Syncs well with Nextcloud. Can be used to keep track of time on projects.
David Swanson
Absoltely love this app. Make time billing a breeze with this app and NextCloud Decks. This app is free but please support by donating. More donations means more development. Hopefully tighter integration in the future with NextCloud Decks. Maybe iOS version.
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