Pixelc: Pixel Art Editor

Open-Source Pixel Art Editor with advanced Features!

Total ratings

3.89 (Rating count: 225)

Review summary

  • User-friendly interface that is enjoyable to use
  • Lightweight and works well on lower-end devices
  • Offers unique tools like animation and various palette options
  • Free to use without ads or in-app purchases
  • Responsive developer support and community feedback
  • Lacks critical features like layers and a lasso selection tool
  • Issues with saving/loading files and custom palette management
  • Inconsistent color picker functionality
  • Certain features can be unintuitive or poorly labeled
  • Experience of lag and system crashes when using specific functions
Most mentioned
  • The need for more advanced features (like layering and custom palettes)
  • User interface issues or difficulties in intuitive use
  • Saving and file management problems
  • The lag caused by the tile function
  • The app's lightweight performance and ease of use
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 3.89
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Date Author Rating Comment
Best pixel art app on android, for me at least. Though, lacks layering, slots where you can save your artwork, advanced color picker and more. But, at least its very nice to draw and animate :)
Snoop Squeak
Great app! An Android update borked my screen borders, but I can probably resize or rotate the app with some setting or utility to get all the buttons in view.
AbdulRahman Ahmed
The UI is nice and it's definitely functional but it lacks a lot man
Meilyne Zamora
It has a lot of tools that other pixel art apps don't have, however I think it falls short on intuitiveness in the labeling of the tools and communicating what they do, I would also suggest a way to hide or reorganize the buttons to your liking, otherwise one of my favourite apps to use on the go :)
Iksan Supriatna
Probably one of the best Pixel Art Editor i ever tried, it lightweight too, very useful for my potato phone
Larry Griffin
i accidentally press the tile button. somehow, despite me being on a modern phone with hundreds of gigs and lag reduction, pressing this causes extreme lag; i cant even leave the app. soon, the app crashes. i dont mean the app itself crashes, but the app CRASHES MY ENTIRE SYSTEM OS. i have to restart my phone to even get the home buttons back. either remove the tile button since its useless, move it somewhere else so i dont fat finger it while trying to move the size, or remove what makes it lag
Nowell Jackson
my favorite pixel art app of all time! it does palettes, animation, and is intuitive i feel!
Lance Dicen
it works and its useful. however i found a weird and rather annoying issue. since i disabled google's two file managers (because i don't need 4 apps that do that role) it may have broken the saving system. it does nothing now. i can draw and have it saved on relaunch but can't seem to save it as a png or gif. i am aware this is my cause but now im sad because that leaves me only having one drawing app that works fine
It works, but there's limited tools. This is about how well you can expect a free mobile pixel-art software to be. I suggest getting Aseprite if you want a good software for pixel-art.
bertrand jacob cura
it's quite good i must say, but i do suggest the ability to make one's own palette to work with perchance? edit : i see, what about setting a color's opacity and then drawing it over the other color? it's sort of like shading but can be used in different scenarios, like making different values of colors quick
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