VBB Bus & Bahn: tickets&times

App for all public transport tickets, timetables & routes in Berlin&Brandenburg

Total ratings

3.59 (Rating count: 13,049)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Super reliable and accurate in updating information.
  • Helpful for purchasing tickets directly in the app.
  • No trackers, which is a plus compared to other apps.
  • Effective for route searching and fare comparison.
  • Frequent crashes and usability issues.
  • Payment process is complicated and often fails.
  • Inaccurate live map features.
  • Poor customer service and security protocols.
Most mentioned
  • Problems with ticket purchase and payment methods.
  • Issues with the live map accuracy.
  • User experience and interface difficulties.
  • Frequent app crashes and bugs.
See reviews for VBB Bus & Bahn: tickets&times on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.59
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17% (4)
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22% (5)
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48% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
David Woodhouse
Useless. Cannot pay. Attempt to add payment method, choose "Credit Card", enter address, taken back to screen to choose "Credit Card".... repeat...
Benjamin Lee
Does not work at all at the moment, crashes immediately after opening. Sad, as this was the only usable alternative after BVG changed to a terrible new UI.
Defny UI
Super reliable, full of accuracy, and updated!
Much worse than previous versions. Favourites sometimes vanish from list for no apparent reason, looking up stations is needlesly complicated, managing Favourites ist cumbersome. I would love to go back to the "classic" version!
Aleksei Korolev
A perfect app. Wonderful job. Keep it up and at no circumstance hire people responsible for the BVG app update.
Odobai Tarekakpo
I think that some features can be added or improved for better experience such as being able to save journeys.
I would like to report 1 bug and 1 UX request Bug When searching for a particular ticket(in my case it was between cities) and then bookmarking it, bookmarked ticket is nowhere to be found UX request- when registering I need to provide my birthday. Calendar feature is implemented in such a way that I can't change the year. Workaround- I needed to save some date and then after the registering I have edited it in personal profile(there calendar is convenient)
It's the best app to help with complicated public transportation in Berlin. Also no trackers, which is a big plus compared to some other apps. But I have to drop 1 star because the live map is a lie. It shows how the transportation is supposed to work, but not the real picture. It's either that or some buses are invisible.
Marcel Bösl
There seems to be no progress in the app developement whatsoever. The payment method is a typical german 'Sonderweg' where registration feels like its from 20 years ago. There is no option to buy monthly tickets for bikes except for the Berlin ABC area where BVG offers a much nicer experience. Every purchase requires an unnecessary amount of clicks to get things done. Considering the reviews and my personal experience the problems have been known for a long time.
Ben S
There are plenty of apps for route planning but somehow I always come back to this one. It's not perfect, and the ticket purchase section has always been weird, but for a quick "how do I get from here to there?" it's well optimised. To the employee mentioning data quality being a limiting factor: get better data.
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