Customer Database

Simple Customer Management

Total ratings

4.15 (Rating count: 1,057)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and set up
  • Functional and efficient with necessary features
  • Helps in managing customer information effectively
  • Limited features in the free version
  • Paid options are restrictive and not always effective
  • Issues with syncing and retrieving lost data
Most mentioned
  • Need for more customizable fields
  • Frustration with the app's glitches
  • Loss of data after switching devices
See reviews for Customer Database on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.15
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Rating filters

5 star
38% (8)
4 star
29% (6)
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10% (2)
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5% (1)
1 star
19% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Nipun De Alwis
Useless, all paid options only
Chris Penix
Very disappointed. My phone broke and I had to replace it and reinstall the app. I lost all over my customers info, notes and everything. Is it able to be retrieved or are they lost forever? Also I had the free version not the pro
Michael Warren
Easy to use and set up works well for my requirements
Gautam Sutradhar
Im not able to import file. Help needed
Peaceful Avatar
Simple to use. Functional. Efficient. In a world where you get a ton of things you don't want here's an app that gives you just what you need. Thank you for making my business life easier.
Keitumetse Solo
Not what I have expected at all. I Just subscribed. Cannot unlock Locked features .
mesiaki raphael
Thanks you very much for this help me to few birtdy for my customer and their current years old.
Matthew Daniel
Easy to use and valuable options could use a few more options for person leaving items like a drop off date (drop-down box) or something similar
Chris P
Could use more features but the free version is helpful
Babatunde Otito
The app is superb and interesting with necessary features in it. It will be very easier if it is possible to make payment with crypto, for example stablecoin usdt, not everybody has access to online payment system using card.
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