Bosch Toolbox

Plan projects, measure & convert units, connect power tools. Your free tool app.

Total ratings

4.45 (Rating count: 47,181)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and from a reputable manufacturer
  • Comprehensive measurement tools and a handy unit converter
  • Useful for registering tools easily and has a self-explanatory design
  • Frequent connectivity issues with OBD-2 code readers and Bluetooth modules
  • Removal of the measurement camera feature has frustrated users
  • Lack of cloud synchronization and backup options for photo dimensions and measurements
Most mentioned
  • Problems with connectivity and pairing
  • Removal of the measurement camera feature
  • Issues with registering tools due to broken links on Bosch's site
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.45
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Date Author Rating Comment
Shane Browne
Easy to use and from a reputable manufacturer.
Vincent E
Bosch is a Byzantine organisation, not quite as diabolical as Apple but incredibly irritating to work with on many levels. Their products are pretty solid, credit where it's due. The problem arrives when we need to repair anything containing software, a situation that grows ever more pressing as the electronic landfills become mountains. More standardisation, transparency and documentation please.
Hamidou Negue Sheriff
This app contains everything a worker needs for measurement ! Thanks to the developer/s. I'm much obliged.
Buzz Schaaf
A handy 'on the go' comprehensive Unit Converter. Versatile & Comprehensive.
Melanie Dennison
I have had nothing but problems with this app and my code reader. Every single time I try to use the OBD-2 code reader on one of my vehicles, it takes me a minimum of 30 minutes to get the reader to pair with the phone. I have tried to use the app with an iPhone and Android phone. It hates both of them equally! Even after pairing the device, the problems continue. It will un-pair itself multiple times. Or just give me a generic error message. I paid $146 for this garbage that I can't return!!!!
Surya Hitam
Why did you kill the one of the best features of the app, the measurement camera? The description even says the feature is included! If that was a prank of yours, it was a complete success. Maybe you could recommend another app with a measurement camera for disappointed people like me?
John Madden
Since Bosch's site is broken -- links to tool registration no longer work -- the most important feature of this app is registering tools. But the app just links to the same broken part of Bosch's site though, rendering it mostly useless!
Mattias Wigren
Great for measurements! So why the hell are you removing the feature measure camera? It's such an essential part of this app that i now have to make an apk-backup in case i accidentally update it. I really can't see the point of removing it but will start looking for another app or in worst case make a new one even though i really don't have time. No info in the app other than "make a backup because we're removing it".
Sam Horder
It would really help if you included the UK models, I've just purchased the GSR 12v-15 FC and it's not even on the app, and it's not like you haven't been selling it for some time now. You also need to sort out your login. I've registered and now your system keeps sending me around in circles telling me to login. I would like to register my tool for the extended warranty, but currently can't. I hope it's user error, but doesn't seem to be.
Andrew Miller
GSB18V-975C WON'T DETECT. Connectivity seems to be a common problem with these. Just give me a button or switch. Good in theory, bad follow through... $300 and can't even control the kickback, which is one of the major features used to sell these.
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