Reviews of PicApport - Android Client

List of user reviews and ratings for PicApport - Android Client
See reviews for PicApport - Android Client on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
M. Doucet
Please allow pictures to be downloaded, otherwise I still need to use a browser just to "download original"
Should I take a German class just to be able to change to other language?
A Google user
Unable to edit the server name as it auto-corrects the address on me every time! I get why you would do this, even why you would make it the default way to add a server, just allow me a way to turn off this option and enter my own server URL (I use a redirect address so I dont need to mess with ports) I love the PicApport server, please fix this in the app and I will gladly fix my review!
A Google user
This is a kickass app for a kickass photo album. Give it a try, you won't regret it!