Countdown Calendar

Countdown before and after your important events in your life.

Total ratings

4.33 (Rating count: 7,010)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Convenient widget that displays multiple countdowns
  • User-friendly and functional for tracking dates
  • Categorization feature helps in organizing events
  • Ability to set notifications for events
  • Overall good performance and reliability
  • Lack of cloud backup for data safety
  • Complicated notification handling and duplication issues
  • Limited input options for dates, especially historical dates
  • Recent update made the interface more cluttered
  • No support for dark mode or AMOLED themes
Most mentioned
  • Widget functionality
  • Limitations in date input and representation
  • Needs improvement in notification management
  • Request for cloud backup feature
  • Desire for additional customization options
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Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.33
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Date Author Rating Comment
MRNrazvi { Qadri-Hanafi }
Countdown Calendar - Exceptional, but Needs Cloud Backup: Countdown Calendar is an outstanding app, especially its widget that conveniently displays all dates at once. While it has many strengths, the app's major flaw is the lack of cloud backup. Forgetting local backups or facing device issues can lead to date loss. Developers, please add cloud backup to enhance user experience and retention.
Bar Adverts are acceptable and necessary πŸ‘πŸ‘Œβ­πŸ™‚ ... βš οΈπŸ‘‰ LOUD πŸ“’πŸ“’πŸ“’ SUDDEN 😱 Pop-up πŸ”₯ ADVERTS are always, totally and absolutely UNNECESSARY, always, forever for every app. πŸ‘ŽπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜‘🀏 Unusable. Uninstalling. πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž
Gary Prater
I do like the app but what a pain putting in dates. I want to create a few previous dates but to keep tapping the back button on the date is horrendous. It really needs the ability to input a date or a scrolling wheel for day and for month and for year. Also need to have a calendar that goes back further than it does, why not to 1900 instead of 1971? If you can do these changes I'd quite happily pay for premium.
Rob Mustang
The app looks much more cluttered up after the update. It was much nicer to change the background colour, and previous display was MUCH better. There is no background colour change option, harder on the eyes with the black on white rather than white on black. Please modify. Would have been 5β˜† before.
Mifat Zoldyck
my only issue is that this app doesn't have the Black Amoled theme. I feel really unlucky cause this isn't the only good app that I can't use because of having no amoled.
Brent Bailey
I like the app, it does exactly what I need it to do. I like the fact that it gives a running countdown in one widget rather than multiple widgets. I only wish the repeat option had the ability to repeat every specific day of the month (i.e. Every third Monday or Every second Tuesday in February, etc.)
Steve MacDonald
Works well but is not compatible with Pro version so can't update to that. Not going to input all the data again.
Anthony C
The way it handles "add notifications", is complicated and not all that functional (unable to assign desired sound). Each time the same event is updated it recreates the notification name. Resulting in many notifications (duplicates) with the same name listed in the device settings. No way to tell which duplicate event is which, and what sound was used. Reached out to developer in email, on how to use the repeat feature. Responded, has so-so email support.
Does the paid version show the widget countdown in hours ? Currently the widget only shows days then hours. I'd like total hours.. Any chance of designing a circular or analogue widget instead of only a square shape? Cheers
I literally checked out 17 different countdown apps in the last two days, before choosing this one as the winner. They all share similar functions, but this one had everything I wanted (large text, countdown AND countup timers, notifications and more)and it seems to work glitch free so far, as I continue to take it for a rough test drive. I paying the small price for premium in the next five minutes.
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