공공주택 - 임대분양 공고알림, 국민임대, 행복주택

You can easily check the 2025 sales announcements provided by the public housing app on a nationwide map! Receive real-time announcement notifications!

공공주택 - 임대분양 공고 알림 앱

공공주택 - 임대분양 공고알림, 국민임대, 행복주택 is an Android app that allows users to easily access 2025 sales announcements of public housing on a nationwide map. Users can receive real-time notifications for various types of sales including national and public rental, joyful housing, and youth housing. The app features a comprehensive Q&A section, quick access to sales announcements, and the latest housing news to streamline the rental application process.

App stats

Downloads: 16,689
Version: 3.0 (Last updated: 2024-08-14)
Full description: See detailed description


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