Empire Warrior: Tower Defense

Guarantee you the experience of Premium Tower Defense Offline Legends game

Total ratings

4.19 (Rating count: 128,106)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and engaging tower defense gameplay
  • Unique tower and hero designs
  • Ability to earn heroes for free
  • Decent graphics and gameplay mechanics
  • Combination of tower defense and RTS elements
  • Aggressive microtransactions and pay-to-win mechanics
  • Heavy reliance on ad watching for rewards
  • Poor balance in difficulty levels, particularly 'Hell' mode
  • Copycat of the Kingdom Rush series with little originality
  • Gameplay suffers from poor AI and lack of features like patrol mode
Most mentioned
  • Microtransactions and pay-to-win elements
  • Similarities to Kingdom Rush
  • Difficulty balance issues
  • Fun gameplay but frustrating at times
  • Quality of life improvements needed
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.19
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Date Author Rating Comment
Drear Mouse
Fun & unique systems, but the payment model is just far too invasive w its microtransactions. There's one method specifically where you get a random item put in a bag each day, then have to PAY to collect the bag for example. And putting towers behind a paywall is insane. Trying to manage at least 5 in game currencies also makes the gameplay feel hollow & pointless & more like a casino than anything, but for kids. Fun tho if you need a TD fix. Just wish it were a $15-20 game and not f2p/p2w.
Ardo Kusuma
Some quality of life thing that needs to be improved. One, heroes could just keep moving forward to attack enemies all the way until the spawn point. Two, the tower aim is "locked". That is, once it's locked on a target, it won't change until it dies. So, if there's a faster enemy that's closer to finish line, tower won't change to that enemy, and you lose your health since no tower attacking it. Overall, this game is good enough, but Kingdom Rush is still the best TD game.
Derek Weaver
Used to play the game a while ago and lost progress when I switched to a new phone. Now, I cannot beat lv 20 on normal when I definitely did beat it before. Videos and guides online did not help. I've tried many different strategies and nothing has worked. It seems like difficulty has been artificially increased to the point of frustration to encourage spending in order to beat a single-player game. Not much skill involved if you have to pay to make something winnable.
Sean C
Pretty decent game. Good strong TD formula which is very clearly inspired by the fantastic Kingdom Rush games, but with that said it is just a worse version with very aggressive monetization. I don't think I've ever played a game where monetization 'click now' icons are constantly floating in your face, even on a world map where they may occasionally block you from clicking on the next level. That's just..awful.
Bill Richardson
Gameplay is decent. Its a basic TD game. Although its extremely pay to win. You have to pay to get some upgrades for towers. You can buy runes that make the game increasingly easy. The game features three tiers of upgrades for towers, power ups, and heros that you purchase with stars you earn from completing levels on the three difficulties. But to be able to get the two upper tiers you have to first purchase each individual upgrade with the premium currency. Its a complete rip off.
A Google user
Game is very fun to play, the towers are unique and very cool looking and the heroes and their various powers keep you engaged every moment of the game. The only complaint I have is that hell difficulty is absolutely impossible to beat unless you pay insane amounts of money on the special items and spam those to kill the insanely buffed minions (your towers hit them like wet noodles and you cant use heroes). Other then that one difficulty mode the game is fantastic.
A Google user
Cons: The game is nearly a complete copy of Kingdom Rush. Like it's so obvious that's it's cringe-worthy. Towers, levels, and even character designs are very, very similar to Kingdom Rush. Additionally, the grammar is poor and there are a few spelling errors here and there. Pros: You can earn all the heroes (except the most op one) for free :D ! You don't get that with the mobile versions of Kingdom Rush! The gameplay is smooth and enjoyable. The game is also pretty grindy, a great time-killer!
A Google user
As of now, I have played through 11 of the levels and thoroughly enjoying the journey. This game has combined to very important elements(atleast to me). It has the basic tower defense aspects, such building and upgrading towers and getting to stave off your foes but also has some rts elements to it. Building some troops and using heros to aid in the defense.
A Google user
Response to Devs: No I did not play the game past the first level. Now that that's out of the way I'll explain my animosity. Ever since my discovery of the KR games I've loved them. I brushed games like this aside thinking they were knock offs but finally gave this one a chance, mostly because it was free at the time. Once I got in the first level the sheer amount of assets that were heavily "inspired" from Kingdom Rush frustrated me. The victory screen was confirmation that it was a rip to me.
A Google user
I like tower defense or castle defense games and in particular, I love this game and keep on playing it when I have time. I did not spend any money on this game and this game allows for watching ad to get runes and goodies. In the beginning, it seems impossible to beat but as you upgrade the heroes and runes, I was finally able to beat the normal and still working on nightmare and hell levels. I wish the is a better intro level so I can learn how to use rune and not have to do a trail and error.
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