50+ construction calculators

50+ different building calculators in one app. Demo version.

Total ratings

3.37 (Rating count: 2,350)

Review summary

  • Great app with potential
  • Fairly good functionality
  • Good benefit in calculations
  • Strictly metric, no USA measurements
  • Requires payment for full features
  • Needs offline functionality
Most mentioned
  • Not free, only demo
  • Metric units not suitable for some users
  • Desire for inches and feet measurement
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for 50+ construction calculators on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.37
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Rating filters

5 star
35% (7)
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10% (2)
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10% (2)
2 star
15% (3)
1 star
30% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Vladimir Yashchenko
Hossein G
Only see white screen nothing
R. Brown (Shell)
Have to pay for it to use everything bar 2x items
A Google user
Not free,only demo.ff
A Google user
I need offline it's not offline
A Google user
حیف که نسخه کاملش تو ایرا اجرا نمیشه
A Google user
Millimeters is not what everyone wants.
A Google user
This looks like a great app BUT not for USA users. When the app sample appeared on my android phone I decided to give it a try. Thought maybe if I would buy the app it would include the American version with measurments in inches and feet. This app is strictly metric. My one star rating is for that reason only - no USA version.
A Google user
So nice.
A Google user
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