YouTools - SEO Tools

Maximize video rankings & attract viewers. Optimize with YouTools.

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 8,806)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Offers some useful tools for YouTube growth
  • Provides keyword tags for competition videos
  • Notifications about updated videos and tips
  • Reasonable pricing for premium features
  • Good app design and interface
  • Excessive unskippable ads
  • Many features do not work as promised
  • Subscription activation issues
  • Poor customer service
  • Permissions issues regarding storage access
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Features not working
  • Subscription problems
  • Need for improved customer service
  • Ads hinder usability
See reviews for YouTools - SEO Tools on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 4.29
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5 star
15% (4)
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22% (6)
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52% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Devendra Saxena
Way too long and way too many unskippable ads at every step you take on this app. I just can't tolerate this app.
Hassan Ali velogs
I am trying to open video link and extract details but app is not working no any link working today 06/01/2025
Dhananjay Kumar
App asking for storage permission to save the thumbnail but in the app info settings there is only notification permission we can turn on.. there is no storage permission. Please fix I'm using Android 14 (moto edge 50 fusion)
Frederick Amakom
A very useless app that does not help your YouTube journey in any way. Almost a scam. I wish I could get a refund instead of cancellation.
Hossain Alam
Good app but. I need to Update Versions.Bacause..Some Time..Not Workings
Dhammadip Sahare
Your app is very good and all the things work properly but I want that the option of generating automatic tags should be added there which can be of great help, so please do it quickly.
Milan Padariya
Don't go for this application. There are so many applications are far better than this. I regret to be subcriber of this application. I paid 499rs for 1 year. Almost 50% functions of this app are not working. I have complained about this to owner via mail but he did not reply at all. Very pathetic service and features. Please guys don't go for it and save your 499rs.
Appu Sagar
All ready purchased but still not upgrade
joash kipkoech
AI content generator is not working yet I made subscription
It's been weeks since I put any name whose title suggestions I like to generate, it never shows any list. First I thought this app has been removed from Playstore but it's still here. So why your app isn't working? If any app admin is reading this, your Keyword suggestion service isn't working. It doesn't show any list of any title we put on search bar. Please fix it.
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