Fontasy - Google Fonts Browser

Fontasy allows you to browse fonts on Google Fonts.

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 4,846)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Wide variety of fonts available.
  • User-friendly interface for browsing fonts.
  • Many users appreciate the unique functionality of the app.
  • Integrates well with Phonto for font usage in text on images.
  • Lack of clear instructions on how to install and use the fonts.
  • Issues with compatibility on different Android versions.
  • Problems with app functionality after updates, including errors and crashes.
  • Fonts cannot be directly installed or used on the device itself.
Most mentioned
  • Need for better instructions or tutorials.
  • Compatibility issues with various devices.
  • Disappointment with recent updates and their effects on app performance.
  • Integration with Phonto is a common theme among users.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.16
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23% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Richard Swift
Very nice application for using various fonts in android smartphone.
Shirley “Sqrley” L
Superb fonts... however ZERO instruction to save the font & how to use later in an application. Meaning: yes, I pick font I love... then what? How would I put that font into practice? Y'all get a zero because there is zero instructions. Grrr, uninstalling now.
Damien S.
Does let you browse fonts, and save them ("upload" to My Files), but then what? Nothing. Font management on Android is a bizarre disaster and this didn't help. (OnePlus, oxygenos 14)
S. Sucur
It's a nice fonts app, but for all the preview languages in its settings, it lacks any Cyrillic script preview setting.
Jason Millhouse
4.5 Stars Great App for custom Fonts. 1/2 star deduction because there's a couple fonts I like that's in another language. No option to translate it either. But still very good, worthy of downloading. Has a HUGE variety of all types of fonts. I haven't even been through them all yet.
Clay Staley
Hands down the 2nd best Font App out there. Sooooo many Fonts, different languages, and easily installed to my phone. Really great job guys! You are an amazing addition to my the other Font app that i use. Between the two i literally have wndless options now guys. Ive been looking for you guys forever it feels like. Thankyou
5tinky Pants
Love the amazing selection of fonts. Being partially sighted, it makes everything so much easier. It would be better if it was compatible with more apps and sites.
Moozle Yak
I love this app. Sometimes I get really stoned and stare at all these letters and try to put myself in the imagination of the person who created that font. It usually takes me 3-4 days to decide which one to download, but boy howdy, is it worth it! I have to pick up my sister at the airport.
kyle finney
100% honestly w/phonto 2 of the best apps I've ever used! I only wish every app was like phonto. has a few annoying apps that don't pop up until your finished with saving your project, thank you for that. with phonto I can recreate/forge any document or font. This app is a hackers dream (speaking of phonto ) fontacy & phonto 4 life!
October Nicole
**For the people who want an app to change phone fonts, please try "Stylish Fonts", I use it myself for years and it's 100% safe and user friendly with full customization.** as for "Fontasy", it does everything that it says and is unique for that alone. Great name also. 👍
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