U Dictionary Translator

Translate Voice, Camera, Text

Total ratings

4.46 (Rating count: 1,287,285)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface with fun and informative features
  • Good for language learning and improving vocabulary
  • Great application for translating text and grammar check
  • Offline packages were previously useful and appreciated
  • Issues with downloading offline packages, often stuck at a certain percentage or failing completely
  • Too many advertisements, making it difficult to use the app smoothly
  • Problems with magic translator and camera translation functionality
  • Recent updates have degraded the quality of features that users loved
Most mentioned
  • Inability to download offline language packages
  • Excessive advertising impact on app usage
  • Magic translation and camera translation features not working properly
  • General degradation in app performance and reliability in recent months
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 4.46
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Date Author Rating Comment
Fuzail Ahmed
I'm unable to download offline packages of u dictionary. I've tried every possible way but still not working . Without offline packages the use of this dictionary is useless.
Munyung 2124
Very bad , the magic translator isn't working as good as u think , it's also said u can get a free trial for 3 days , but I've try to subscribe the free trial and it's automatically deducted my money and when I'm cancelling it i can't get refund , please dont use this app , it's a scammed
Boubker JAMIL
I am doing a review and I am very disappointed. Previously the App used to work fine but now it is very annoying. To download a language takes ages and ends up by quiting. No more sentence translation as it used be before. Imposes phrase on you that you didn't request for. If this not going to be rectified soon, I will uninstall the App.
Ahmed Elsayed
It is a great application, but it runs in the background all the time despite turning off all the unwanted features, so I am searching for alternatives.
Shahzaib Burki
I used U dictionary from the last few years.and enjoying offline packages English to Urdu...and Now I have changed my mobile phone..but offline packages on my current phone couldn't downloaded.. Regards..
Hassan Ali
App is good but there is one problem is that when I opening the camera translation in the dictionary camera can't showing the book or any other thing and became dark can't showing anything. so I request you to please fix this problem 😭🙏 And I have reinstalled it. Thanks
Helmi Nauval
There are some problems: every time I download offline content, the process is always postponed because, instead of showing 100% or a checked sign for downloaded content, the buffering never stops. I am a little bit disappointed
Rana Javed
This is very amazing app specially its wall paper idea is very good to improve my skills and translations is also very detailed
danish hussain
This applicatio used to be wonderful but it no longer is good cos for the past some months offline pachages are downloading which is very irritating. And I can't study it while I'm offline. Please fix this issue ASAP
Rakib Hossain
I love using this app. I suggested all of my students use this app. They all love it. But the problem is too much ads. I believe they should think about free users and their feelings.
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