Yahoo 新聞 - 香港即時焦點

You have to pick the news! "Yahoo News" brings together a number of local and overseas media to bring hot news and life information in the city to help you build a diversified perspective. In addition, live broadcasts and AR augmented reality are continuously broadcast, presenting a multimedia information experience.

Total ratings

3.85 (Rating count: 18,230)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to search news
  • Prompt news updates
  • Good focus on Hong Kong news
  • Too many ads
  • No dark mode
  • Incomplete articles
  • Bias in reporting
  • Poor selection of sources
Most mentioned
  • Ads
  • Incomplete articles
  • Lack of dark mode
  • Bias in reporting
  • Slow loading
See reviews for Yahoo 新聞 - 香港即時焦點 on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 3.85
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38% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Kwai Leung
Sometimes it displays the blank content even close and re-open the apps. Not sure what's wrong with it.
Steven C
Edit 2024-4 still no dark mode. Guess I better try other news app... 2023. Please have a DARK MODE! it's blinding my eyes with that bright white screen.
K Ko
Too many ads; always have typos in the articles. Please proofread carefully before posting.
Bing cheuk Law
It is easy to search the news. However need more global news happened events immediately as soon as what news provided.
Steve Z
Being Canadian, I would like a language setting in English, because Yahoo currently does not have a dedicated news app in English, and I like the Yahoo news outline style.
Philip Chan
the news is prompt. I always read in order to keep in abreast of what is going on.
太少新聞特別國際新聞。愈來愈推步。 did not improve at all. News not updated.
Edda Chan
Articles get cut-off and are incomplete all the time. What am I reading then? It is unacceptable that I have to get out of the app, go to Google and search for the article in order to finish it.
Wilson Pang
Coverage is too little, with only few sources, mainly from one local newspaper and government radio.
Lai Ng - Sandy
News very often reported with (personal) subjectives wordings/heading. Not professional indeed.
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