Reviews of AfterDoom

List of user reviews and ratings for AfterDoom

Total ratings

3.31 (Rating count: 84)

Review summary

  • Fun and enjoyable gameplay
  • Good graphics
  • Free to play friendly
  • Lots of content and activities to engage with
  • Numerous bugs and technical issues
  • Difficulty spikes and balancing problems
  • Pay to win mechanics
  • Restrictions on gameplay time due to energy system
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and connectivity issues
  • Combat and looting system need improvement
  • Energy system is limiting
  • Game can feel slow or grindy
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.31
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Date Author Rating Comment
Eugene Clayton
Still needs polishing but I love it, once you get skills like fitness that you can train within your base the game changes alot. You can add extra rooms to your base easier than upgrading your rooms, try that for more storage. Items claiming they only had 10 durability concerned me but nothings ever broken on me. Leveling combat skills in combat feels slower than it should, maybe +1 xp for each skill equipt after battle? Oh and cooking steak isn't granting steak not sure if this is a bug or n
bob saget
Honestly this game is very fun so far, but for being so simple is very buggy. after playing 10 minutes says network error and kicks me out every time then I have to wait a while to play again. No other game I played dose this. needs a offline mode bad
Good time management rpg. Building/ crafting.
Tae Sim
Game is already hard. Fighting 20 bulls to find 1 dung and Fighting 30 dogs to find 1 lead and Fighting 40 zombies to find damn convenience store door.. are you serious ???
Humberto Olivas
It's alright needs some improvement on the fighting system and looting system including with the teams/group. One thing that would be helpful is trading with other people like add a trading system for the team you can make and they energy system should be improved and there should be more improvement on the leveling and the making of a league should be free. Would love for the trading to be done I would love it to be better to play with my brother
Little Fish
It's ok. Nothing groundbreaking and holy hell does it have issues. The difficulty spike is insane and the use of energy despite way's to increase it is pretty limiting. It can be down right impossible to get good weapons and gear unless you shill out a few bucks. Still a mobile game after all. It's ok. A time killing but with how hard it gets so quickly. Ehhh.
Azinye Fantasy
Mediocre snooze fest of collecting 400 of everything I kid you not to get to the mid game level 10. Buildings/skills are locked behind skill levels. There is a purchase ammo button for your free pistol. It's a very slow game. If we could set our start position that would help. If we could buy 'farmers' to get say 50 whatever capped till daily reset for premium I would be all for it. I farmed about 60 bandages and I'm just done. 60 hours in and still farming 300+ grass for ropes.
Its playable, but the developers seem to be online to drum up cash. I dont think i like that.
Brian R
Really fun so far 💯💯🆒🆒👍🏻👍🏻 cool graphics 💯
Rex Wall
Fun, lots to do, stopped playing because you can't skip combat and the fights take forever.
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