Reviews of Hero Clash

List of user reviews and ratings for Hero Clash
See reviews for Hero Clash on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
alejandro riggi
Click bait
Guido Andrés Marchini
Not like the ads
Paul Kersey
Lots of in app purchases to navigate through
AlexanderTor 070
El juego no es como dicen los anuncios, es lento de cargar y requiere de conexión a internet
NOT THE GAME I DOWNLOADED it was definitely not what the creator was selling, I would call it kind of a click bait hahha Don't understand why would someone create a game with a great and simple idea, and make ads about it when then a 3/4 of the game is battleling. It would be a perfect game if it was just what it offers, thats why i installed it! i encourage the creator to upload the game that we all principally wanted, as not everyone likes battle games but they do like casual games like this☺️