Xe Money Transfer & Converter

Research exchange rates & transfer money in minutes to over 200+ countries.

Total ratings

4.78 (Rating count: 291,413)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for tracking exchange rates
  • Good currency conversion rates compared to competitors
  • Quick response from developers to fix issues
  • Real-time notifications during fund transfers
  • Offline functionality restoration in recent updates
  • App frequently crashes or refuses to open
  • Accounts can be closed without explanation
  • Recent updates have negatively affected app usability and features
  • Difficult navigation in the app and widget issues
  • Customer service is slow and unhelpful
Most mentioned
  • App crashes or is very slow
  • Issues with account closure without notice
  • Problems with widget functionality freezing
  • Difficulties in money transfer processing and delays
  • Negative impact of recent updates on user experience
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.78
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57% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Kara Fleming
Used to love this app and used it all the time while traveling. It has steadily deteriorated over the years - from ceasing to work well offline to, lately, being very slow to load and crashing frequently. Currently, I cannot even open the app at all. Very frustrating that they killed a good thing.
Armel Jones
Without reason and explaination, they will close your account. I have tryed sending money overseas to a friend and made sure my info was good. Later after sending a small amount I recieved the notice that they closed down my service without further explaination. thats my experience trying them out for the first time. There's better services out there that will gladly accept sending your money.
Michael Steinberg
Used to love this app and its widget. Recent updates have destroyed the widget functionality. If there is no widget, the app runs great. But, if you have the widget on your phone, Xe keeps freezing, the widget shows "Updating" all the time, and error messages appear all the time. Opening the app causes it to immediately close. Deleting the widget fixes the app, but it all used to work perfectly. It needs to be fixed! The Sep 6 update fixed the widget problem. Thanks!
While the exchange rate is more favorable than Remitly, I did not expect such a hassle to send $. Four days after submitting my $1k transfer, I got a call requesting more information regarding my ID and purpose for sending the $. It took at least 30 minutes to provide all the info and then I had to upload a picture of my passport ID and a selfie. A day later, I am still waiting to know if the transfer will be processed or not.
Absolutely useless. First attempt to send a small amount of money to my wife and children for financial support failed, the app charged my bank account twice, yet failed to send any money at all, customer service was useless as well, second attempt failed yet again to send money, and then the app said that they would be unable to offer money transfer service to me, without any explanation given. Held my money up as pending transactions on the first occasion for many days. Worthless. Avoid them.
Jason Geurkink
Very helpful app that is great for keeping track of exchange rates. Lots of excellent features for keeping an eye on different currencies. My only complaint is an issue with the app constantly logging out which presents my rate notifications from coming through. Sometimes it will stay logged in for a few days and other times it logs out within the same day. Very annoying. If they fixed this issue it would be a 5 star app for me.
Luc Nguyen
In my first use of the apps. Difficult to navigate. When I thought that everything went through ok, it turned out that they took money from my account, hold on to it for 5-6 days then all of a certain cancelled my account with no explanation except saying that it is possibly a fraudulent action. Also said that my money will be refunded in 10 days. Bad service and possibly a scam.
Alf Ellefsen
Impressed how the developer took my feedback and rectified the issue very quickly. Have tested the app out offline, and it is now working without connectivity again. Thanks for the quick action. As a frequent traveller, I used to love this app. I could quickly check exchange rates, etc, no matter where I was. Now it requires Internet to even load, making it useless in many situations. Will have to strat looking for another currency exchange app that can also be used offline!
Angeline Villablanca
This app used to be free remittance it would just take a few days wait. Now, they charge a fee, takes a while to send the money, but they take your money out as soon as you press send. There was also a time where I did a transaction, waited days, then they canceled and didn't push thru. It's a good thing I'm not sending money for an emergency otherwise you are SOL. Can't wait for my transaction to go thru so I can uninstall this app on my phone. It's slow and errors out from time to time too.
Dibyendu Das
Perhaps the UI still requires some work, however in terms of sending limit, market rate and remittance speed (within 5 days max) Xe easily beats some of its competitors like Transferwise, Xoom and even Moneygram (which is what I had been using before switching over). It's currency conversion rate is the best in the market (so far what I've found). I regularly use it to remit USD to INR. However, it would be very useful if they mention the sending limit somewhere on their website on in the app.
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