World News: Breaking News App

World News App: Breaking News, International News Headlines, World Newspapers

Total ratings

4.02 (Rating count: 1,099)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and navigate interface
  • Comprehensive coverage of international news
  • Wide variety of news categories available
  • Good overall functionality for aggregating news from multiple sources
  • Push notifications do not open specific articles in the app
  • Presence of subscription-based content that limits access
  • Inconsistent update frequency of news articles
  • Ads, particularly for cryptocurrency, may be excessive
Most mentioned
  • Issues with push notifications not linking to specific articles
  • Desire for more news sources and less subscription content
  • User-friendly interface and wide array of news topics
  • Complaints about the app being slow or lacking updates
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.02
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Rating filters

5 star
45% (10)
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9% (2)
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23% (5)
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14% (3)
1 star
9% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
One of the best news apps that I recommend for worldwide international news coverage. Indeed a global world news app. Cheers!
This one of best of News channel's that I have and Always from Bruce Anthony Johnson that I have a great time using it. thanks forever and Always from Bruce Anthony Johnson
Ray Groth
Very bios and no choices on which news agency.
Alieu Fofana
I love this app. It gives you perfect information..
nageshwar rao adhikarala
Sorry to repeat my earlier comments. Now it is more slow than earlier version. No choice to Select News CATEGORIES and region that were available earlier.
Chetan Parekh Er
I am using this app for daily wolrd nes uodates of politics and businesses. Only missing is worlds top 25 news websites access of top countries in all continents. Top 20 countries political and business channels path must be available on single clicks like in many free apps. Please update it and acknowledge. Thanks
Davie Green
I hoped that, by paying for the pro version that when I get the "push notices" for various news items that the link would open the app at the appropriate news item. (Sadly it doesn't do that 😢😱)
Jack Miller
It's a pretty good app overall. However, I seem to get way too many bitcoin ads in my feeds. Also, there does not seem to be a way to filter out content that I am not interested in reading. It would clean up the news feeds in each of the categories.
Dr Azzeddine Ferrah
Very good app I like it, but I am very disappointed that when I tap on the received notification it doesn't open on the app. It opens the app with fresh menu. So strange! I hope you fix this bug as soon as you can. When fixed I will change my 3 stars to 5. Thank you.
Lord Oribron
If this app would simply open a specific news story from a push notification, it would be great. Right now it notifies you of news stories but when you click them, it just opens the main menu, then you have to dig for the one you want.
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