Office Word Reader Docx Editor

Docx Reader is a go to app to Read & Edit Doc, Docx, Word documents.

Total ratings

3.59 (Rating count: 2,512)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Overwhelming number of advertisements that interfere with usage
    • Cannot edit or create documents despite the app being advertised as an editor
    • App fails to open or access documents without errors
    • Misleading functionality, as it is primarily a viewer and not an editor
    • Users experience frustration due to ads being shown before accessing any features
    Most mentioned
    • High frequency and intrusive advertisements
    • Inability to edit documents or create new ones
    • App is ineffective and described as useless
    • Frustration with app functionality and user experience
    • Issues with opening and accessing files
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.90
    All time rating average: 3.59
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    84% (21)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Imran Ali Sheikh
    Bad app, this not an app its add a machine, i cant read a single file. Normaly i ignor apps problem or adds but this app make me angry.
    Pieter Txiley
    I could not edit anything except view. It wouldn't enter my new document name
    Rozen Panmei
    Stupid app. Can't even open unless you see the ad. Should be deleted from the Play Store . I would have given zero star but no option available for that
    Happy Dlamini
    Not easy to get this app but easy to adit with it and read the documents
    Dav Oyerinde
    To all that care to listen, this is an app uploaded on the store by scammers who are only after making money through adverts viewing. I am not one of those who derive joy in running a product down but I can't stand being scammed by app developers. Why must you add EDITOR to an app that is only for reading docs. And at every click pops up useless and annoying advertisements. DONT WASTE YOUR DATA AND PRECIOUS TIME. DONT DOWNLOAD. it doesn't deserve a star. Check Developer's name. PopskillsGlobal.
    Lir Soracia
    didn't open any of my docs w/o errors, no settings for layout, display, dark mode etc - no real settings at all tbh. entire app is in forced full screen, can't exit that, or use the phn back button anywhere. the file mgr (reason I downloaded it) is possibly, no, *def* the worst I ever used; in particular, back arrow at the top only goes back to base directory, not up a lvl to prev folder, & clicking a prev folder in the location bar list does nothing. aggravating, *total* waste of space.
    Shubhranshu Banerjee
    What's more than excellency it's not known to me. How to use this app, it will take a few days. After that how quick, should I elaborately explain to others about my forthcoming knowledge. Thanks to all of you workong in Microsoft 365 app. Google Account name.
    Benjamin Tobias
    I want to edit a document but there is no option to do that. it's frustrating. 99
    Festus Rono
    Lazy app, you can even edit a single document with it. just offers reading capabilities.
    Nito Yohse
    The developers for this app are liars. Full of ads and it's not a doc editor🤬😏🤦🏽
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